If you have not received a payment when you expected a payment, there may be several reasons for this.
If less has been paid out than expected or than what is written on a payment report, this is most often because you have made returns or received disputes from end customers which mean that you have a negative balance, which is thus deducted from the turnover for the payment period in question. Reports from Swedbank and Vipps will specify this, but reports from Walley will often not show negative balances from previous periods. Check the latest payout reports to see if you can have a report with a larger negative amount.
If a payout report shows a different amount than what you see in the online bank, this is most often because you have made returns or received disputes from end customers that mean you have a negative balance, which is thus deducted from the turnover for the payment period in question. Reports from Swedbank and Vipps will specify this, but reports from Walley will often not show negative balances from previous periods. Check the latest payout reports to see if you can have a report with a larger negative amount.