
Split Payout for platforms and marketplaces

Let your customers buy from multiple sellers and earn money on transactions.
30 kr
230 kr
280 kr
350 kr
350 kr
TastyCakes AS
BurgerMate AS
Enable your customers to
order from multiple sellers at the same time
Set simple or advanced Split Payout rules to monetize your transactions
Use local payment methods
Scalable price models
We want your business to grow with us, that why we offer scalable pricing to enable your business to be competitive in the market.
White label
In order to build your brand as strong as possible, Dintero offers the option to white label our services. You will benefit from our sophisticated technology, without losing brand recognition.
Quick onboarding
In todays market KYC, AML, KYB is a big part of every platform and marketplace. The stakes are higher than ever, and we build the tools your business needs in order to be compliant at every level.
Advanced split rules
Our developers love to give businesses the option to choose. We cater to some of the most complex split cases in the market with our OMS architecture.
Local expertise
The payment jungle is more complex than ever. It seems like there is a new payment method every week. We deep-dive into the specifics, and help our partners with the insight needed in order to create the best journey for your sellers and buyers.
Nordic payment methods
Our team has profound knowledge in the Nordic payment landscape with our experience from traditional e-commerce. That is why we have partnered up with the local payment wallets in order to secure the best conversion possible.

Invite sellers

Invite sellers to your platform through your Dintero Backoffice account or through our API. All you have to do is adding a few details about the sellers, and we'll take care of the rest.
  • Send invitation with minimal details
  • Add multiple locations per seller if needed
  • Add your own branding
Org. number
992 992 435
Seller ID
Seller 01
Send invitation
Company name
BurgerMate AS
45 Main St, Oslo
Date of birth
Others controlling the company?
Terms of service
I hereby accept the Dintero Payout to Seller Agreement
Are you, any manager or owner a politically exposed person? (PEP)
Name of signatory
John Doe
Signatory email
Enter email
Ultimate owner
Jane Smith

Sellers complete pre-filled Declaration Form

Once you've sent your seller invitation, your sellers will receive an automatically pre-filled Declaration Form, fully compliant with all KYC regulations. All they have to do is verifying that the information is correct, add a few more details if necessary, and confirm.
  • Automatically pre-filled declaration form
  • Seller can update data if needed
  • Saves time and minimizes errors
  • Fully compliant with KYC regulations

View onboarding status of sellers

In order to give you full control of how far along your sellers are in the onboarding process, we provide you with updated statuses. These can be found in Dintero Backoffice, but can also be relayed to you through API.
  • Full control of onboarding process
  • Status available through both API and Dintero Backoffice
  • Lets you know when a seller is activated
Seller name
BurgerMate AS
Waiting for declaration
Grilled Sushi AS
Waiting for declaration
Mashed Potato AS
Waiting for signature
Club Sandwich AS
In manual review
TastyCakes AS
Corndog AS
Based on example sum of 100
Split 1
30 % of the total to Platform
Split 2
70 % of the total to TastyCakes AS

Set your own rules for splitting payouts

You can have your payouts be split in percentages, flat fees, a combination of both, or use other specific rules tailored for your needs. This can all be done through our API or you can use our easy-to-use module in Dintero Backoffice.
  • Create as simple or complex rules as you want
  • Can be set through both API and Dintero Backoffice
  • Can be used with Vipps and all other payment methods
UK flag

Quickr - Onboarding and Monitoring

Streamline your onboarding experience and automatically capture risk decision data in one quick and easy dashboard.
  • All in one tool for KYC / AML
  • Improve form completion pre-filled company information
  • Automated onboarding & monitoring
  • Monitoring & alerts

Scalable price models

We want your business to grow with us, that why we offer scalable pricing to enable your business to be competitive in the market.

White label

In order to build your brand as strong as possible, Dintero offers the option to white label our services. You will benefit from our sophisticated technology, without losing brand recognition.

Quick onboarding

In todays market KYC, AML, KYB is a big part of every platform and marketplace. The stakes are higher than ever, and we build the tools your business needs in order to be compliant at every level.

Advanced split rules

Our developers love to give businesses the option to choose. We cater to some of the most complex split cases in the market with our OMS architecture.

Local expertise

The payment jungle is more complex than ever. It seems like there is a new payment method every week. We deep-dive into the specifics, and help our partners with the insight needed in order to create the best journey for your sellers and buyers.

Nordic payment methods

Our team has profound knowledge in the Nordic payment landscape with our experience from traditional e-commerce. That is why we have partnered up with the local payment wallets in order to secure the best conversion possible.

Onboarding and KYC

Invite sellers

Invite sellers to your platform through your Dintero Backoffice account or through our API. All you have to do is adding a few details about the sellers, and we'll take care of the rest.

Read our API documentation →

  • Send invitation with minimal details
  • Add multiple locations per seller if needed
  • Add your own branding
Invite new seller
Org. number
992 992 435
Seller ID
Seller 01
Send invitation

Sellers complete pre-filledDeclaration Form

Once you've sent your seller invitation, your sellers will receive an automatically pre-filled Declaration Form, fully compliant with all KYC regulations. All they have to do is verifying that the information is correct, add a few more details if necessary, and confirm.

  • Automatically pre-filled declaration form
  • Seller can update data if needed
  • Saves time and minimizes errors
  • Fully compliant with KYC regulations
Declaration Form
Company name
BurgerMate AS
45 Main St, Oslo
Date of birth
Others controlling the company?
Terms of service
I hereby accept the Dintero Payout to Seller Agreement
Are you, any manager or owner a politically exposed person? (PEP)
Name of signatory
John Doe
Signatory email
Enter email
Ultimate owner
Jane Smith

View onboarding status of sellers

In order to give you full control of how far along your sellers are in the onboarding process, we provide you with updated statuses. These can be found in Dintero Backoffice, but can also be relayed to you through API.

Read our API documentation →

  • Full control of onboarding process
  • Status available through both API and Dintero Backoffice
  • Lets you know when a seller is activated
Seller name
BurgerMate AS
Waiting for declaration
Grilled Sushi AS
Waiting for declaration
Mashed Potato AS
Waiting for signature
Club Sandwich AS
In manual review
TastyCakes AS
Corndog AS
Dintero Backoffice

Set your own rules for splitting payouts

You can have your payouts be split in percentages, flat fees, a combination of both, or use other specific rules tailored for your needs. This can all be done through our API or you can use our easy-to-use module in Dintero Backoffice.

  • Create as simple or complex rules as you want
  • Can be set through both API and Dintero Backoffice
  • Can be used with Vipps and all other payment methods
Rule details
Based on example sum of 100
Split 1
30 % of the total to Platform
Split 2
70 % of the total to TastyCakes AS

Let's talk!

Are you a platform or marketplace looking for a partner that will help make your life easier? Let's talk, and see how we can work together.