Transactions failing

Jun 20, 2024

If a transaction failed, there could be many reasons for this, as online payments today have to go through many stages in the background.

Some of the most common reasons are these:

  • Error with BankID verification
  • The bank card has expired or been blocked
  • The bank card is of a type that is not supported. (We support Visa and MasterCard credit and debit cards)
  • Bad network at the customer
  • Technical errors with our suppliers (Vipps, Swedbank Pay, Walley)
  • The customer opens the payment window in two tabs at the same time

If none of these things are the case, or you have a question about what might have happened, please contact our support team and we'll help you find out why it failed.

Remember that we have a backup solution for payments that fail. It's called Betalingslink and you can send this to the customer by email, push notification or SMS from Dintero Backoffice. Read more about the payment link here.

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