
Sök i vår kunskapsbas eller prata med någon av våra experter om du behöver hjälp.Dintero Checkout.
Checkout Express Pop-out
This configuration is embedded on your checkout page and is a 2-step checkout.

The Pop-out feature triggers a pop-out window where the customer is presented with the different payment methods, and can complete the payment. Once the payment is complete, the pop-out window closes, and the customer goes back to the checkout page where they are presented with a "Payment complete" animation.

The Express feature allows for the customer to be remembered from last time they used Dintero Checkout, and they don't need to enter their details again.
Checkout Express Embedded
This configuration is embedded on your checkout page and is a 1 page checkout.

An Embedded checkout that does not have "pop-out" means that the payment options* appear on the checkout page without redirecting to a separate window to complete the payment.

The Express feature allows for the customer to be remembered from last time they used Dintero Checkout, and they don't need to enter their details again.
*In order for Apple Pay to work, you must choose a Pop-out or Redirect configuration instead.
Checkout Redirect
This is a 2-step checkout that redirects the customer from the checkout page to a new payment window hosted by Dintero. When the purchase is complete, the customer is redirected back to your "Thank you" page.

This is a good solution for those that want to offer payment options in addition to those you can get through Dintero, like American Express and PayPal. After you select "Go to payment" (or whatever you want this button to say), the customer is redirected to a payment window hosted by Dintero.

This configuration may also work for those that have themes that for various reasons make the embedded checkout configurations look or work in a non-optimal way.
Contact info
+47 402 30 256
Delivery address
John Doe
64 Main Street
Shipping options
Pick up
Delivered to pickuo point
99 NOK
Payment options
Pay with Visa, Mastercard, Vipps, Klarna, Walley, Google Pay, or Apple Pay
Pay with Visa, Mastercard, Vipps, Klarna, Walley, Google Pay, or Apple Pay
I have read and understand the website's Terms and Conditions.
Go to payment
Items (3)
Items (3)
Pay with credit or debit card
Visa logoMastercard
Pay now or later
Apple Pay
Apple Pay
dintero logo
Veldi Lamps
Pendant Lamp
× 1
Melt LED Ceiling Light
× 1
Hanging Lamp
× 1
Checkout Pop-out
This configuration is embedded on your checkout page and is a 2-step checkout.

The Pop-out feature triggers a pop-out window where the customer is presented with the different payment methods, and can complete the payment. Once the payment is complete, the pop-out window closes, and the customer goes back to the checkout page where they are presented with a "Payment complete" animation.

In contrast to the Checkout Express Pop-out configuration, this configuration has its contact form outside of the Dintero Checkout module.
Checkout Embedded
This configuration is embedded on your checkout page and is a 1 page checkout.

An embedded checkout that does not have "pop-out" means that the payment options* appear on the checkout page without redirecting to a separate window to complete the payment.

In contrast to the Checkout Express Embedded configuration, this configuration has its contact form outside of the Dintero Checkout module.
*In order for Apple Pay to work, you must choose a Pop-out or Redirect configuration instead.

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